
Henna comes from an all natural plant used by many cultures for thousands of years as temporary body decorations. It is a blessing, a wish of good luck and a beautiful way to celebrate any special event.

Glitter may be applied to henna while wet to give that exciting bling until the paste flakes off.

Please know that black henna is not real henna and may be toxic to your skin.

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Henna Aftercare
  • Do not touch paste.  Allow 15-20 minutes for henna paste to dry.
  • Keep the henna paste on your skin on your skin for 2 to 4 hours, up to 6 to 8 hours is better.
  • Do not use water to rinse away henna paste, let it flake off on its own.
  • A lemon/sugar aftercare solution is applied for best results. This creates a sticky layer and keeps the henna from cracking off too soon. The heat from the lemon juice reacts with the henna and can help to stain darker faster.
  • Henna should be protected from water, especially within the first 24 hours. You can apply all-natural oil over the fresh stain to protect it from water. The longer you can go without exposing it to water, the better the stain results will be.
  • Do not use water remove henna paste. Use olive oil, or other natural oil to rinse off excess paste, if necessary. When showering within 24 hours after receiving henna, apply olive oil, or other all natural oil, to protect the henna stain while it is still developing.
  • Apply natural oils (like olive, sesame seed, coconut oil) to the henna stain to maintain and moisturize the skin area throughout the life of the stain. The exfoliation of your skin is what causes the henna stain to fade away.
  • Henna will darken over time. The henna tattoo will develop from a bright orange to a reddish/brown color over 24-48 hours.
  • Your henna tattoo will last 1-4 weeks.
  • The color of the stain and the length of time it lasts depends on the location on your body, how long you kept the paste on your skin and how well you maintain it.
  • Henna stains darkest on the hands, palms, feet and drier skin areas. The henna color will fade as it travels up the arm and legs.
  • Allergic reactions to all-natural henna are very rare. If you find the henna to be irritating your skin, it could be from the lemon juice or essential oils in the paste and not the actual henna. If you find the henna paste is irritating your skin, take it off immediately. If you have a natural allergy to henna, it can result in itchy, red bumpy skin. Apply anti-itch cream and allow the reaction to run its course. If your reaction is severe, see a doctor.

Prepare for your Henna Appointment
Great henna tips for private appointments!

If you are receiving henna for a special day or simply wanting to achieve the best henna stain possible, make sure you plan ahead, and follow these tips to prepare for your appointment:

Manicures and Pedicures should be done BEFORE your henna appointment! Exposure to water, massage, and chemicals can damage a fresh henna stain.

Shower and exfoliate your skin before your appointment. Applying henna to a fresh layer of skin will help it to last longer. Also the longer you can go without exposing the henna stain to water, the better the henna will stain.

 Do not apply moisturizers, oils, tanning sprays or anything that will block your pores the day of the appointment. Applying things like this to your skin can block the henna from staining as expected.

Henna stains best when your body temperature is warm. Make sure you are in a warm environment after receiving your henna design. Walking around outdoors on a cold foggy day in San Francisco may cause your henna to not stain very well!